Now lets move to acne treatment. What is the point of having fair but ''bumpy'' skin? Would you like to touch your face w...

Now lets move to acne treatment. What is the point of having fair but ''bumpy'' skin? Would you like to touch your face when all you can ever feel is just coarse and bumpy skin? Don't you want to get rid of them as soon as you touch them? Did you ever wonder what are those things that stuck on your face and never leave? Don't you feel disgusting when you squeeze them and some disgusting and smelly juice came out from that thing? EUW! STOP GROWING PIMPLES ON YOUR FACE! 

 Basically, pimples occur when you have dirty particles clog your pores. Clogged pores lead to whitehead, blackhead, papule, or pustule. Ingrown hair also able to clogged your pores and cause pimples to grow!


But do not worry to those who is experiencing "bumpy" skin, I have the solution to make your skin flawless just like a baby. Yeayy!! 

These homemade acne treatments for sensitive skin can help you get rid of acne without creating more inflammation. Acne home remedies are a simple and affordable way to treat acne and avoid the harmful chemicals in many acne remedies.
Most natural acne remedies are a lot safer than using benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and other intense chemicals.
These are some of the gentlest and least irritating acne home remedies. Choose one or two to try at a time, and test. If your skin responds well, do it regularly and see if you get results.
Ice cubes will shrink the redness and inflammation of a pimple and make it less noticeable.
An oatmeal mask is soothing for the face and easy to make. Grind a handful of oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder. Mix the oatmeal powder with a little water, apply to your face and lay down. Soothing, effective, and not irritating!
Slice a raw white potato and place it on top of your acne outbreaks. Leave for five to seven minutes. Helps with acne healing as well as reducing the swelling and inflammation.
baking soda facial mask is gentle and non irritating. Mix some baking soda powder into a paste, apply to your face and let dry, then rinse with pure water. If you feel your skin is too sensitive for a whole facial mask, try dabbing the paste onto individual pimples. Let them dry, then rinse.
Do an egg yolk facial mask done once a day for 7 days is said to get rid of acne. Beat an egg yolk, apply to face with a cosmetic brush or a clean child's paintbrush, and let dry for 10 minutes. Don't use if you are allergic to eggs!
Apples and honey can also help get rid of acne. Grate a little apple and mix with honey, apply to the face for 15 - 20 minutes. Honey can be very sticky so you might want to dilute with a little water.
These home acne remedies are a little more potent for sensitive skin, so go slowly and test first on the inside of your arm!
Rosewater and lemon is said to be a very effective acne home remedy. Mix the juice of a fresh lemon with rosewater and leave on your face for a few minutes. Rinse off with pure water.
Gently apply the juice of fresh cut ginger to acne pimples once each day. The ginger acts to calm the acne inflammation and in a few days the eruption will subside.
Salt and water applied to the face will help reduce acne eruptions.
Vinegar and salt, mixed with water and applied to the face can help heal acne. The vinegar might be too intense for sensitive skin so test first!
Mint tea also can reduce acne inflammations. People who are sensitive to salicylates should avoid this homemade acne treatment.
Tea tree oil gently dabbed on the acne sores will help them to clear up faster. This works well for most people unless you have a salicylate allergy.

Homemade Acne Treatments for Enlarged Pores

Rub an ice cube on your face for ten minutes. A bit chilly, but very simple and effective, and good for sensitive skin.
Juice a fresh cucumber and apply to your face, leave on for 15 minutes. Refreshing and healing!
Home Remedies for Acne Scars
These acne home remedies are good for acne scar healing as well as enlarged pores.
Orange peel - mix the skin of an organic orange with powdered milk. Apply gently and leave on for a few minutes. Rinse with water.
Lemon - Cut a fresh lemon and apply to your acne scars and leave for a few minutes. Some people apply right before bed and sleep with the lemon juice on their face, but this might be too much for sensitive skin.
Raw papayas also can help with acne scar healing.
Cut a fresh raw tomato, in half and rub it on your skin. Leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with pure water. The natural acids in tomatoes are antibacterial and have exfoliating properties.
Some people say this may be too intense for sensitive skin so you will need to test first on the inside of your arm!

Internal Homemade Acne Treatments

Drink a LOT of pure, clean water. Take your body weight and divide in two. That's the number of ounces you should be drinking every day. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink at 75 ounces of water each day, which a little over 9 cups of water. I'm not sure how to convert these amounts to the metric system, are there any naturopathic doctors from the EU out there that can help me out? :-)
Drink a small amount of Braggs Organic Unfiltered mixed with Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar twice daily for one month. Some people swear by this, even when they have a case of severe acne. It's not very tasty, so drink some water right afterwards!
Avoid sugar and alcohol - these are simple homemade acne treatments and I understand that you might not be happy about it!!

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